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It's Turtles Down All the Way

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"Turtles down all the way" refers the infinite regress problem. It also refers a mythical World Turtle, which is a creature that lies flat Earth on its back. Infinite regression is a problem with mathematical analysis.

Infinite number of turtles

There is no precise origin of "infinite number of turtles all the time down." It is believed that the term "infinite number of turtles all the time down" comes from an old Hindu myth. In it, a giant turtle (known as the world turtle), sits on top a giant elephant, which, in turn, stands on top another giant elephant. This phrase is not only infinitely regressing, but also refers oversimplifying the concept of soul, spirit, or body.

The story of turtles all the way down illustrates the problem of infinite regression. As a result, the person pointing to the turtle does not flinch. He or she notices that the first turtle is much smaller than the second one. The person continues to look below the turtle until another turtle appears.

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Stephen Hawking tells the story. Hawking also credits Bertrand Russell who was a multi-talented scientist who won the Nobel Prize in 1950. Both scientists differ on the process that led to their respective conclusions.

Problem of infinite regression

A system that has a universal fact F which it cannot explain can be subject to infinite regress. There would not be independent entities if a system had infinite regress. This paradox can be explained by considering the theory of forms, which says that things participate in a single form, and that form is self-predicate.

The first step of infinite regress involves creating at least one event that precedes it. So if there are 2 couches, then the cause of the other two would be the 3rd couch. However, if there are 3 couches, then the fourth couch would cause the first 3.

Plato claims that there is only One Form of Largeness. This second step in an infinite regress discredits it. The second step of the infinite regress doesn't imply a new output. It is simply the continuation and continuation of the process.

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There are an infinite number of elephants

This image shows infinite regress in a playful and clever way. It refers to the myth of the earth being supported on the back by a large beast. One example is a giant turtle sitting on top the world elephant. The elephant stands on the backs of another animal. Similarly, an endless ocean is filled with a giant turtle standing on a column of other turtles.

Scientists have always been intrigued by the movement of elephant trunks. This was something that has been mysterious until recently. New research has given some insight. Researchers used motion capture technology to learn how elephant trunks move.

Elephants have large brains. One elephant brain weighs 11 pounds and is the largest among land mammals. Human brains weigh only three pounds. Therefore, elephants are among the smartest animals in the animal kingdom.

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What is the difference in counseling and life coaching?

Counseling assists clients in resolving personal issues, while Life Coaching helps them improve their skills for all aspects of life.

Counseling is a personal service that allows you to meet with a therapist who can help you solve specific problems.

Life Coaching is a group service that allows you to meet up with other peers and help them grow as individuals.

Life coaching is often done online or over the telephone, while counseling is more common face-to-face.

Life coaching is typically focused on building skills and positive habits to achieve your goals and dreams. Counselors are more likely to address current problems.

Counseling and life coaching are different in that they treat problems while life coaches help people move past their problems to live a fulfilled life.

What is the average cost for a life coach?

Life coaches usually charge between $100 and $500 per session.

Depending on the type of coaching you seek, their average time working on a client case is between two and three months.

A typical fee includes an assessment and consultation, as well as weekly calls or Skype sessions to discuss progress or plan for the future.

Life coaches provide support and guidance, as well.

What are the responsibilities of a life coach?

A life coach is someone who helps people reach their personal goals through education about health, nutrition and fitness, work/life balance as well as relationships, career development, and other topics.

A life coach should also help clients develop positive attitudes towards self-improvement and set achievable goals for change.

A coach can offer encouragement and support, which is the most important thing. They may not know everything, but they are able to answer questions and help you find the right answers.

They're there to help you make decisions and take action toward achieving your goals.


  • Needing to be 100% positive and committed for every client regardless of what is happening in your own personal life (careerexplorer.com)
  • These enhanced coping skills, in turn, predicted increased positive emotions over time (Fredrickson & Joiner 2002). (leaders.com)
  • If you expect to get what you want 100% of the time in a relationship, you set yourself up for disappointment. (helpguide.org)
  • According to relationship researcher John Gottman, happy couples have a ratio of 5 positive interactions or feelings for every 1 negative interaction or feeling. (amherst.edu)
  • According to a study from 2017, one of the main reasons for long-term couples splitting up was that one of the partners was no longer showing enough affection and attention to the other. (medicalnewstoday.com)

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How To

How to be a life coach

Being a life coach is a popular question. There are many ways to become a life coach, but you should take some basic steps before becoming a professional life coach.

  1. Decide what you want to do. Before you can start any career, it is important to know what your passions and interests are. If you don’t know what you are interested in, coaching can be very simple. Before looking at many options, reflect on what drives you to this career. You can find out how to become a coach if you think, "I would love to help people."
  2. Create a plan and set your goals. Make a plan once you have decided what you want. Learn about the profession by reading books. Write down everything you learn so that you can refer back to them when needed. Without a clear goal or vision, don't rush to do things. Set realistic goals that you can achieve during the next few years.
  3. Be patient. You will need patience and determination to be a life coach. The hardest year is often the first. After your initial training, clients may require that you work with them for 2-4 hours each week. This means that you will have to work long days and weekends. If you love what your job does, you will not feel tired after working 14 hours per day.
  4. Get certified. To become a licensed life coach you need certification from a recognized organisation such as the NLP Certification Institute. The certification you receive will help you gain credibility among potential employers, and also open doors to new opportunities.
  5. Network. Networking is key. Learn from other coaches and seek their advice. Once you have enough experience you can offer assistance to others who are just starting out in coaching.
  6. Never stop learning. Never stop learning. Keep reading blogs, articles, books and books about this field. Learn more about psychology and communication.
  7. Positive thinking is key. Negative attitudes are one of the biggest errors made by new coaches. It is important to remember that success in life coaching requires a positive attitude. Your words and actions will reflect back on you. Smile and keep your eyes open for opportunities to be positive.
  8. Practice patience. It is the most challenging year when you first start coaching life. Take breaks from time to remind yourself why life coaching is a career choice.
  9. Enjoy the process. While it can seem like an endless journey ahead, the rewards far exceed the challenges. Along the way, you will meet incredible people and grow personally.
  10. Have fun. Enjoy the ride. Have fun.


It's Turtles Down All the Way